Monthly Archives: February 2012

National Programme & Study on Game-Based Learning

The GBL Research group @ WIT will be launching a national programme/study in September 2012, and we are looking for 20+ schools to take part in the study. This longitudinal study will last for at least one year and include the following aspects:
– Teachers will be provided with resources to use GBL in their classrooms
– Workshops will be provided to inform teachers on evidence-based best practice, resources, and the latest research findings on GBL
– A portal will be created to allow students and teachers to access the material at all times.
– Resources will consist of  teacher training, handbook for teachers, templates to conduct and evaluate classes, templates to create games, and tutorials to use GBL tools, access to database of existing games used in education 
– A study will be conducted to evaluate the benefits provided by this approach. The study will investigate how GBL approaches and teaching
strategies, in addition to traditional teaching methodologies, can be harnessed to improve both learning and motivation on the part of the
– In addition, this study will also seek to evaluate teachers’ interest for GBL approaches, and to identify possible challenges and opportunities for the introduction of GBL in classrooms.
– Finally, the portal will be the opportunity to create and expand a network of teachers interested in the use of GBL, making it possible
for teachers to discuss and exchange ideas and best practice on the theme of GBL.
This programme should provide all teachers interested in using GBL with the the necessary resources, training and support that they require to do so. No prior knowledge of games or game development is required and all teachers are welcome. 

If you are (or know a colleague who would be) interested in such a programme, feel free to contact Patrick Felicia (

Best Wishes,