- Felicia, P., 2012. A roadmap for the future of Game-Based Learning [keynote]. 4th International Computer Game Conference – Clash of realities. Cologne, Germany.
- Felicia, P., 2012. Game-Based Learning: Understanding games from a multidisciplinary perspective [keynote]. RJC-EIAH 2012. Amiens, France.
- Felicia, P., 2012. How the world of gaming and the world of medicine are finally combining to produce serious health games [keynote]. Health Games. Kiel, Germany.
- Felicia, P., 2011. Game-Based Learning – status-quo and quo-vadis [keynote]. GameDays2011. Darmstadt, Germany.
- Felicia, P., 2011. GBL research: literature review and best practice [keynote]. GBL Summer school. Autrans, France.
- Felicia, P., 2011. Learning with games [keynote]. Ecole thematique intelligence ambiente. Lille, France.
- Felicia, P., 2010. Improving GBL research, issues and challenges [master class keynote]. 4th European Conference on Game-Based Learning. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Felicia, P., 2010. Learning with video games, creative and effective practices [keynote]. Klee International Conference. Darmstadt, Germany.